In his latest blog entry on Friday, Hughes spent a good portion of his time talking about the differences, as he sees them, between Barack Obama and John McCain.
Considering that McCain at one time nearly brought the sport of MMA to its knees, many fans will probably be surprised to know that Hughes asserts that the McCain/Palin ticket shares his views more closely than the Obama/Bieden ticket.
Citing his views on abortion, gay marriage, gun laws, the war in Iraq, taxes, and other topics, Hughes makes his case for why he is more in tune to McCain/Palin.
In the end, Hughes doesn't necessarily rail on fans to jump to his side, saying, "I can look past the fact that McCain was against my sport. I’m not taking that personally, I’m doing what I think is best for my kids and my country.
"So, I hope people go out and use their best judgment and not look at who they can relate to the most, but who is going to do the best job out there."
I would hope that MMAWeekly would remove the above post. Sorry that only faggots read the bible, Hughes was and still is the best UFC champ that has ever been so I'd be interested to see how you would fare against him.
I do not like Matt Hughes as a fighter but he is just expressing his views as a citizen of the USA and he has every right to do it. These people who are calling names really need to mature and start thinking outside of the world that each individual lives in. Whoever you like as a President is your right. In my opinion John McCain would do the best job for our struggling economy.
i cant stand matt hes always talking shit of course he likes Mccain hes a typical white repubican that only cares about himsef i hope he gets his ass kicked again
What a douchebag. Matt has always struck me as the typical close- minded bigot that the Republicans cater to.
Anyone that would vote for a ticket containing Sarah Palin loses any and all respect.
Only faggots read the Bible huh ? Faggots like Abraham Lincoln who set the slaves free ? Faggots like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock and every other president and founder of the greatest country in the history of the planet ? Faggots like Barack Obama ? Faggots who say gays shouldn't "marry" ? This country's problems stem from the moral decay and lack of the implementation of the Bible's most Basic principles (I.E.-thou shalt not kill the unborn)! 90 % of fighters will vote for McCain just like 90% of troops will. We fight for freedom and righteousness and you side with propaganda, rich movie stars, rich rock stars,and idols. Stop calling names and reason if you call yourself American. Mature and understand and ask your elders and they will tell you when you're fighting in a foxhole along side any race you become brothers for life and see color of skin dosen't matter one bit. If you choose not to eduacate yourself , perhaps you should move to Russia or China....They'de love you're point of view. Have fun in the bread line. Btw-Matt is not the greatest champ of all time.
The poster you are referring to was referring to a post that has since been deleted. He was basically saying the same thing you are. The original post was using that derogatory term to refer to Matt Hughes.
Sorry for the confusion.
Well O.K. then ! he he
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