New champion Lyoto Machida was a frequent refrain at a media day for the tenth season of "TUF." Jackson said Evans had it all wrong when he faced "The Dragon."
"I think he was afraid," said Jackson. "That's what made him mess up. He didn't do nothing -- that's what his mistake was. He let Machida do everything.
"Plus, he's talking while Machida was trying to knock him out. He's not defending... he's talking. How you gonna talk while somebody's trying to knock your head off? What do you do? Ask him to stop? What are you doing?"
Jackson's general take on Evans was that he talked too much.
Not exactly an unbiased source for opinion, but Jackson believed Evans lost against Tito Ortiz and Michael Bisping as well.
Would he do things differently against Machida?
For one, he'd take the fight to the champion, he said.
"Yeah," said Jackson. "I'm an aggressive fighter."
machida would destroy rampage just the same
evans was scared.. but rampage is ducking.. why would you pass up a title shot to coach tuf..
Why? So Rampage can settle the BS between him and Rashad. The belts not going anywhere. Rampage will have the belt. WATCH!!!!!!
made up ass drama to get the wwe converts excited.
Rampage wont get destroyed just like Rashad, Rampage has a way better jaw and heavier i'm not saying that will get him the win but it will let him have more of a chance than Rashad for dodging Lyoto I dunno if i would say that...he wants the title shot after he deals with Rashad and he will get it. The choice to face Rashad instead though wasnt all about settling his was also so that he could have a longer time to recover from the injury and train more for Lyoto.
Forrest beat Rampage and Rashad destroyed Forrest. I love Rampage but he will not beat Rashad unless Rashad plans on standing flat footed in the middle of the octagon and trade with Rampage. Rashad's speed, footwork, etc will be the downfall of Rampage. Rampage has more power but I doubt he will be able to find Rashad.
whoever put "Forrest beat Rampage and Rashad destroyed Forrest" is a moron. just cause forrest beat rampage doesnt mean rashad is better than rampage. hey douche bag, chuck liddell beat wanderlei but lost to keith jardine, but wanderlei beat jardine! holy crap looks like a stand still
Only TUF noobs and Forrest blowhards honestly believe that Forrest won that fight vs Rampage. Any unbiased, seasoned judge, would have scored that fight for Rampage. Past that, name a fight that Rampage has been destroyed in? SILVA years ago, and a younger, inexperienced Rampage...and it still took bookoo knees to KO him. I dont see anyone running through Page...and as for Page vs Lyoto..Rampage has great stand-up and he has great defense with his hands...I would think he makes Lyoto come to him...Leg kicks are my only concern..All I'm saying is never, ever count Rampage everyone here probably did when he fought Liddell the 2nd time..Remember that...blah blah..
Page? you serious? ahahahahaha fuck
i hope shogun beats lyoto so rampage can get revenge on shogun and even do it for the light heavy weight title!!!
these dudes that write these comments are funny.....almost like little girls...
I love the way suedo fans jump on the Machida bandwagon. When Rampage was champ it was the same shit...not to mention how bad ass Chuck Liddell was supposed to be. As soon as there is a new champ all of you bandwagon fans will be talking shit about Machida just the same.
You all need to get a life... who the hell cares.
Hes right Rashad did loose to Tito and Bisbing i totally agree. Besides like some one said earlier Rampage beat Forrest plus now that hes with the wolfslare hes gonna be unstoppable. Having said that Rampage is smart to take a fight before going after Machida he still has to get to know is new trainers and training partners i wouldn't even be suprised if they don't fight till the end of next year. Rashad has no shot with Rampage please Forrest is over rated and lucky he fought like a bitch against rashad. all i hear is how great his ground game was and Rashad never even tried to pass his gard and still smashed him.
I guess Rampage is right in what he's saying, I think that Evans was too carefull and was really waiting for Machida to make the first move, when it happened he was totally destroyed by the dragon. This will be different with Jackson, because he will be all over Machida throwing punches and not letting the dragon get in his fighting plan. Rampage will get the tilte in no time after he beats Evans.
Rampage just want to make some more money and buying time to face Machida. He is one dimensional in his last 3 fights and to his luck he got knock out power. But against Machida, it won't be enough to rely on his strength.... Either way, he will lose not now but later when he will be facing against Machida who has more tools to dismantle him...
Good luck Rampage. You just ditch this time with Evans but your loss will be guaranteed later hahhaah
By calling Rashad, Rampage ducked on Shogun and Machida. Either one would destroy him.
I think Dana would rather have Evans & Rampage regardless. It's more promotion power behind it. A whole season of TUF to build on it plus all the promotion special afterward. I have a feeling Evans/Rampage will have a larger buy rate than Machida/Shogun... Seriously money talks, it's still a business. Like many have already said, the title isn't going anywhere.
"By calling Rashad, Rampage ducked on Shogun and Machida. Either one would destroy him."
Looks, walks, and sounds like a duck to me.
Page's aggressive style is exactly what Machida feasts on. If you come at him wildly, you are getting an octagon nap.
Machida may be undefeated for a very long time. The only one in the UFC light heavy weight division is fighting him in October. And that will be Shogun Rua. Despite his first two showings in the UFC, Shogun has had time to recover from injury and is training right. If Machida beats Shogun, everybody will watch Machida fight. He will be like Fedor, everyone will watch his fights until finally something happens for him to get beat. Fedor, more than likely, will just be age that catches up to him but is and always will be the pound for pound best. Rampage will beat Rashad, Machida/Shogun will beat Rampage. Oh and to the guy that said Wanderlei was the last one to destroy Rampage, actually it was Shogun in Total Elimination 2005. From the opening bell Shogun ran through Rampage.
Rampage is not going to beat Machida. And I think he knows that, and did the TUF show instead.
Who cares about machida vs rampage because the way i see it rampage isnt even gonna get past rashad to be able to get a shot!
For you boys that don't understand MMA, events are about money. Rampage is ducking Machida and trying to make money. As for Machida, I hated to see him win because I felt that Rashad was beter. Rashad did fight a terrible fight and had a terrible gameplan. I will give it to Machida, he had a great game plan. If Shogun shows up 100%, Machida won't stand a chance. Oh yeah, Fedor will finally be tested when he fights Josh Barnett.
this is very simple, Page wants to do TUF for some extra cash and to get his t.v. time, which he loves. He also realizes that Lyoto will have the belt for awhile. Is it a good plan? not imo. And for those that have said Shogun will be the answer to Lyoto I say LOLLOLLOLLOLLOL. Pride(and steroids)are a thing of the past, wake up!
Buncha noobs with nerd rage....lmao, I would mop the floor with you losers. Too easy.
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