On January 30th, he'll become a mixed martial artist. But it's interesting to note, and Strikeforce CEO Scott Coker did on Saturday night, that Walker is donating his January fight purse to charity.
"He's doing it for charity. He's donating 100 percent of his purse to a non-profit," said Coker.
But that's not to say he isn't serious about the pursuit. As his previous accolades indicate, he takes all sports seriously, and MMA is no different.
"He wants to just test himself and he's been at the AKA (American Kickboxing Academy) training camp the last 45 days. He's not gonna go home for Christmas. He's gonna stay through the holidays and train there. He's in good hands," Coker detailed, adding that Walker told his trainers at AKA to advise him not to fight if they felt he wasn't going to be ready to compete.
There's no actual name to be put to his opponent yet, but the Strikeforce CEO says it will be appropriate to Walker's time in the sport.
"As far as MMA goes, we'll find somebody that has his skill level. He's a beginner in MMA, so we'll find somebody that is a heavyweight, beginning fighter and let's see what happens," he said.
"Once you step in the cage, it's really gonna be up to him, right?"
i just hope he does not die out there from the videos i have seen of him. He looks slow
Have him fight Heath Herring. He is a gateway guy and has become a can. Or you could dust off Tank Abbott. Tank would gas in about 30 seconds.
Ha ha ha ha ha!!!
Where's Ken Shamrock when you need him?
Ken Shamrock, that's hilarious!!! LOL They are about the same age!
To the dude that mentioned Heath Herring ... c'mon man ... Heath is not a "gateway", he has fought some of the elite in the fight game and recently at that.
he is fighting Bobby Lashlay
hershel is gonna get his fuckin head kicked off.iIm thinkin james "THE COLOSSUS" or seth petrezelli
I would say that you could probably bet against him taking on someone with the experience level of a James Thomson, Tank Abbott or Ken Shamrock. I'm thinking someone more on the lines of a Tony Bunello, who was in King of The Cage and on Bully Beatdown. Maybe someone with only one or two fights on their record and with a comparable skill level.
I think any of the names that have been mentioned, will smash poor Hershel Walker. I think they have to get guys like us who play on the web, in order for him to stand a chance.
You all are really dumbass if you knew anything about the guy you would know that he holes 3 black belts and has been and training for a while now. Herschel is a great sports Icon and Scott is don't as dumb as you all becasue he is going to give him a cookie fight becuase its gonig to be a ratings dream. Kimbo out Herschel in and Strikeforce is do just fine.
Just for the record, he won
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