White said that he's not ready to put women's fights in the UFC, but he would give Carano a run in the UFC's sister promotion, the WEC.
"I heard that," confirmed WEC vice president Peter Dropick on Monday.
There's still a hang-up in having Carano fight even in the WEC.
"First off, I don't know if anyone knows really what the contractual situation is with any fighter from those other organizations," he said, referring to ProElite-owned promotions like EliteXC. "I think until that is flushed out, we would... we really don't have anything at this point."
That's not to say that Dropick isn't interested. On the contrary, he's very interested in adding more talent - including Carano - to the WEC's roster of athletes. "We'd be open to having some of the better fighters and the most exciting fights. (Carano) is certainly a star and she certainly has drawing power. So, we'll see how that plays out."
For now, like many EliteXC fighters, Carano is in limbo, trying to figure out just what her contractual status is while ProElite keeps toying with the idea of whether it will continue on or not.
Gina Carano is a gimmick like Kimbo Slice. The put her up against lesser talent and I believe they stopped one of her fights prematurely (The "Elite-XC Way"). The WEC and UFC should stay away.
Please Dana! No Women Fights!!!! They are just not what we (the true fight fan) want.
I don't think you can speak for every MMA fan on the planet by saying that. I personally would be over the moon if Dana introduced womens MMA, as a women myself I'm slightly biased of course, but I think womens MMA needs to be given a chance to prove itself before it's written of completely.
I would literally stop buying the PPVs if they added women fights. The sport is so new that women are far too behind in their knowledge of the sport and training. Thus a person like Carano can dominate a division while she is not in shape and is definitely not a world class athlete.
Please no women, they should just stay in the kitchen
Give us Carano vs Cyborg and I would buy it. I don't think (or should I say I hope?) WEC would be doing to Gina what other orgs have done, which means giving her cans that do not stand a chance. If they put her against good people, expecially Cyborg I would definitely be happy to watch. I really like Cyborg's fights. She is aggressive and very entertaining. I think a fight with Gina, especially if it could be 5 minute rounds, would be great.
They don;t need to have a women's fight in every fight, but I would be happy to see the big fights.
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