In regards to rumors of UFC Former Heavyweight Champion Tim Sylvia and MMA legend Ken Shamrock coming together for the first time, Xp3 Promotions and UFS President Posh Caplan says that the Xp3 event, Unified Fight Sports 1 “Vindication,” which was scheduled to be held in Houston in December, has been rescheduled for March and is to air a Live Spring Break In-Demand pay-per-view event in Florida, date pending venue confirmation.
Posh will say only that the Sylvia vs. Shamrock fight is in negotiation. She confirms that Tim Sylvia and his manager Monte Cox have accepted the terms, and that Shamrock’s manager and Shamrock Promotions CEO Bill McFarlane has given written confirmation to UFS and In-Demand, that negotiations are currently in progress.
This event also looks to bring Joe Riggs and Nick Diaz to the cage and letters of intent have been signed, but may be revisited pending the length of recovery for Riggs' surgery for a broken hand.
Negotiations have been agreed upon for three former UFC heavyweights: Tim Sylvia, Jeff Monson, and Ricco Rodriguez, as well as for UFC veterans Travis Lutter, Justin Eilers, Brad Imes, Sherman Pendergarst, and, likely, Joe Doerksen and MTV’s Kit Kope.
Posh says that the Unified Fight Sports event will combine the MMA fight event with a top concert performance bringing MMA to the mainstream while maintaining the integrity of the sport and promoting these world class athletes. Posh wishes to express her thanks to Monte Cox and Pat Miletich and the MMA community for their support and for making this premier event possible .
What a joke. Add these losers to the list of MMA promotions that don't even put on 1 card. ie. "The World Fighter"
Everyone one of these "losers" would have to be dead for you to even have a slight chance at beating them. Why dont you do us all a favor and off yourself. But avoid guns and high places as shit splatters.
Hes talking about the promotion not the fighters...soo just chill
Calm down people. A fight is better then no fight.
The card doesnt sound like the best match-ups. Tim Sylvia would destroy Ken Shamrock. Diaz vs. Riggs would be good because they don't like each other, but common Ricco Rodriquez he is past his prime but i would like to see him get a beating. Joe Doerkson better keep fighting in Canada because thats the only place he will win a decision so he beat some japaneese pancrase guy but he should have lost the fight he had before that but home town judges rule in his favor, and thats not the first time thats happened for him.
Man seriously what is it with people/posters feeling like they have to inform the general public that a fighter could beat us up. Nobody cares if they can beat us up; I only care if they can go in there and put on a fight worth watching; if they can't then they suck by general standards of MMA conversation. This card was rumored to be taking place in Houston; I would definitely buy reasonably priced tickets to watch any of these guys fight
People complain so much. Don't like it? Don't watch it!! Pretty simple. I loved the idea and will definitely go to the event. I am moving to Florida in February so that a March show would be amazing. Plus, it will be during spring brake so it is a good way to get the party started and the adrenaline pumping. Can't wait for the confirmations and the additional info.
A lot of good guys on the card!
Well these losers put on a Great Show!!!!!!! I went to their show in Houston,TX. I really thought I was at an UFC fight for a moment... Great Production and Great Fights!!!! BTW I love ur new idea of having a concert added to the cage fights. Wow what else to you need?
I went to the last XP3 Promotions event in Houston and it was awesome! It by no means looked or felt like a first promotion. I am so excited about this new event and have been waiting to hear news about when they were going to do their next show. I live in Houston, but am definitely going to buy a ticket to wherever the next event will be!
Sounds like a great event! Whats up with the haters? It sounds like some personal politics there rather than legitimate issues. All I want to know is where can I get tickets?
sylvia vs. shamrock?? kenny kenny kenny. he's too old man, shamrock is gonna get smashed. i would love to see him win though.
Regardless, when you have two fighters of this caliber, how can you not eventually bring them to the cage just to see them together?
I wont miss it, and you can probably bet even the haters will tune in to see.
I said this when he was supposed to fight Kimbo. I'll say it again... I hope Shamrock wins and calls it a career, so he can go out on a high note.
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