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Sunday, November 1, 2009
Fedor Emelianenko and Brett Rogers At The Chicago Bears Football Game
MMA heavyweights Fedor Emelianenko and Brett Rogers take in the Chicago Bears vs. Cleveland Browns football game on Sunday, November 1 at Soldier Field in Chicago, Ill. Fedor and Rogers will square off against one another at the Sears Centre Arena in Chicago, Ill. for "Strikeforce/M-1 Global: Fedor vs. Rogers" on Saturday, Nov 7 (9:00PM, Live ET / delayed PT) on the CBS Television Network.
Brett Rogers,
Chicago Bears,
Fedor Emelianenko,
Rogers is knockin Fedor the fug out!
Rogers is as dead as Evan Tanner.
anonymous #2 not cool dude, show some damn respect.
anonymous #2 yea dude that is not cool at all
Yea evan tanner thing not cool... but yea rogers is dead. he's more dead to me than your dead mother.
Anonymous number 2: We all know all you people who suck Fedors cock are retarded, but that comment was stupid even for you.
i hope roger ko fedor and the tanner thing get a life you rude a$$ hole
FEDOR all the way, knocking the darkie out
Look its Fedor the Snowman Assasin
Fedor hater you are all pathetic ufc sperm driking sheeple. Continue hugging Danas nutts cuz that all you losers are good for any ways. OH YEAH FUCK JEWFC
Fedor win via arm bar 1st round. Not a feor fan but he is the best heavy weight in the world fighting in mma. Fedor please come to the UFC to challenge your title!!
after Fedor gets ko'd, it's gonna be like the whole Kimbo EliteXc thing, cause strikeforce bet the farm on Fedor, and I didnt make the comment, but is it TOO SOON to make an Evan Tanner joke, I think he'd appreciate it
fedor looks like the albino kid from the movie Powder
Fedor will knock this can out in 2 minutes. Rogers is a big guy who can not fight. Fedor takes him down, chokes him out in the first minute.
fight over, fans robbed, sport ruined.
Fedor is bad for the sport.
give rogers some credit. 4 years ago he was changing tires at walmart or something and know he has a chance to be the man. He just has to beat the man at heavy. If he stays smart and come out gunz blazen like he did w/ glass jaw arlowski he might shock the world!!!!!
First off everyone needs to get off of Fedors nutsac because just like Frank Mir said Brock Lesnar would manhandle Fedor and everyone knows thats why Fedor didnt come to the UFC because he didnt want to lose that ranking. Everytime hes fought a wrestler hes had alot of trouble and with Brock your talking about a guy who is pissed off 23 hours out of the day and is a fucking animal, but Rodgers has a punchers chance for sure
LOL @ comparisons to Brock Lesnar. Lesnar is not even in the same league. Seriously a 4-1 guy whose biggest win is against a severely undersized and older Couture? Give me a break Fedor takes Rogers and Lesnar out any way he sees fit.
How can a true MMA fan like Fedor? He has no heart and if he did he would go to the UFC to be destroyed by Lesnar.
Yeah cause big bad bodybuilder lesnar is so dam bad, first off the speed of Fedor outlasts him the whole fight, lesnar would get chin checked or put out by a choke easily first round.
Its not fedor who is stopping fedor from coming to the ufc its the m1 russian retarts who want there name on everything fedor does, and as far as him fighting i think fedor is a top 5 hw but until he fights the like of lesnar, mir, velasquez, etc inside the OCTAGON where real mma is tested i dont think he is the best hands down, great fighter just needs to fight other great fighters to become the best. The fight with Rogers seems somewhat dangerous because if im not mistaken before arlovski tried to get cute with his strikes and get dropped he had fedor realing. i think if brett rogers can back fedor up and hit him with some of that power he has a chance, but fedor is well rounded and better conditioned so if this goes to deep rogers will get taken down and forced to tap. Fedor by sub in 2nd round
Fedor is irrelevant unless he fights in the UFC. PERIOD!
Fedor is awsome but he needs to fight more while all the big boys from ufc fight at least 2 times a year fedor has fought like 2 times in 2 years rogers needs to keep his hands up and chin down or lights out like sylvia and arlovski Evan Tanner still lives in the hearts of true mma fans
LOL@ all the Fedor haters. You must be 'green' to this sport or just started watching TUF. Fedor IS really the ONLY true HVYW Champ there is. PERIOD. The UFC never had a hvyw champ like him. There Hvyw's are all secondary to the first. ( Which is Fedor). Put a different spin on this. Do you Think lesnar would kill Rodgers? I think if Brock tried to stand up with Brett, there would be a new Hvyw champ in the UFC. This is strictly due to Fedor's management which is the ONLY fault that Fedor has. I think he could have come to the UFC if he wanted, but he owns stake in M-1 Global, so that's like Frank Fertitta pocketing money in Strikeforce? that's just BAD business. So really stop hating on Fedor, because he shows no emotion or isn't 'Americanized'. i think that's what makes him so unique.
Fedor by Submission in Rd 1.
it looks like fedor shaved his eyebrows off LOL
Brock would smash rogers ground and pound
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