Monday, November 17, 2008

Kim Couture Mixes It Up With Wanderlei Silva

"The Axe Murderer" has a new sparring partner to duke it out with on the mats of Xtreme Couture: Mrs. Couture.

In a recent interview with MMAInsider, Kim Couture described a sparring session with the former Pride champion that turned more than a few heads at the gym.

"That was a treat," she said with a big smile. "I'm feeling very confident with my boxing. So was he, otherwise he wouldn't have gotten in there with me."

They started slow, throwing a few light punches to the gloves, which Silva was unsatisfied with.

"He was like, 'that's good, now hit me in the face,'" Couture recounted.

When Couture turned up the heat, Silva responded in kind.

"He would turn it up and control it," she continued. "As I would turn it up, he would turn it up. He's such a great guy, and has a few pointers here and there."

Being one of the most feared strikers in the world, you would think so. Afterwards, Silva lifted Couture up with a big hug.

"He's a very good sport," Couture said. "Very inspiring."

Hopefully, a little bit of Silva's killer mojo will rub off on Couture when she faces Lina Kvokov at Strikeforce: "Destruction" on Friday at the HP Pavilion in San Jose.


Anonymous said...

I am honestly getting a little sick and tired of hearing about Kim Couture; I am a huge fan of Randy's but I could do without hearing his wife run her mouth everytime I tune in to an MMA news page. There are much more interesting; skilled and deserving women in mixed martial arts I would rather hear from. Not Kim "Yoko" Couture

Anonymous said...

WOW, Kim couture gets her face smashed and then goes on to say that tim sylvia and gonzaga are as big and strong as lesnar.Well kim I'm sure randy felt the same way after their fight,why this chick gets so much press is beyond me.Kim = annoying big mounth that thinks she knows evreything.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, we can all use a little less Kim Couture. She's humping a ledgend and that does not make her some sort of expert. At least when it comes to MMA!

Anonymous said...

Then don't click the link.

If no one is covering the women's scene, then why isn't there anyone covering it more?

What are the reasons, and perhaps you can get off your keyboards and work out a system to promote other MMAers.

It's easy to complain, you just sit and type.

I for one respect this woman,
she's in there mixing it up.
No matter how many times her nose gets broken.

What are you doing?
What are you focusing on?
Get off the keyboard and go train,
do something productive.

von Goethe said...

I for one I'm also sick and tired of hearing about her, this woman just can't shut up, always bad mouthing others, you'd think that having her jaw smashed that would slow her down, but no.

I doubt that anyone would give a damn about her if she wasn't humping Couture.

Anonymous said...

Gina corona is probably the best women fighter, yet every time i see an mma article it's on a few against a real opponet before you make press