Thursday, April 16, 2009

In The Hot Seat: Dana White on TSN's Off The Record

UFC President Dana White is still feeling the heat from his recent video blog controversy where he drew an irate response for his comments that offended many homosexuals and women.

The derogatory remarks used in his rant about a article by Loretta Hunt have TSN (Canada's version of ESPN) Off The Record host Michael Landsberg putting White's feet to the fire about whether he went too far in his blog, if and/or why managers are denied credentials, his thoughts on the media and more.

Click here to watch the TSN stream of Landsberg's interview with Dana White.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can maybe understand the homosexuals get a little offened by what dana white said but i think they have alot more worry about. Now women being offened. come on thats just BS! there are a thousands of rap songs calling women bitches and ho's but they say nothing. you can't pick and chose when you get offened. they are making too big of a deal about this. Everyone is trying to point the finger and make it a bigger deal then it is. His sponcers are over so everyone need to shut up.