Tuesday, July 14, 2009

MMA Bill Inches A Step Closer In Massachusetts

Legalized MMA is inching closer to reality in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

The Massachusetts Senate Ways and Means Committee on Tuesday passed "An Act To Regulate The Sport Of Mixed Martial Arts" with a favorable review, clearing it for a debate and vote on the Senate floor.

There are still more steps to go. If the Senate passes the bill, it will be read in the House and examined for amendments, and any amendments suggested by the House will need to be approved by the Senate.

If the bill gets through the amendment process, called "engrossing," the House and Senate will vote on whether to enact the bill.

From there, the bill goes to the Governor, who signs, vetoes, or amends the legislation.

It's a long and exhausting process, but so far, all signs have been pointing in the right direction, meaning we could see MMA in Boston by the end of the year or early 2010.


mcflizz said...

its about time we got the UFC up here

Anonymous said...

yess i live in boston awesome!!!!!!!!!1