Friday, August 7, 2009

Frank Shamrock Next on Dana's Make-up List?

Savvy east coast fight fans were not shy about broaching tough subjects to UFC president Dana White during a UFC Fight Club Q & A session Friday. They grilled him on Brock Lesnar's behavior, the recent rift with Strikeforce, the breakup of Pride, and a network TV deal.

They also asked about mending fences with old enemies. For anyone not named Strikeforce, White has been in the make-up mood lately, burying the hatchet with Tito Ortiz.

A fan asked if Josh Barnett or Frank Shamrock--two guys not on White's Christmas card list--would get the same treatment.

"Josh Barnett's gonna be a tough one," White said with a laugh, no doubt thinking about the heap of trouble the former UFC champion caused due to his third positive test for steroids.

For Shamrock, who didn't make the UFC's top 100 fights of all time list (White said fans didn't vote him in), he was a little more positive.

"Made up with Tito? Maybe I can make up with Frank."

Shamrock was not available for comment, as he was fending off the advances of pundits who felt MMA should be buried under a rock and forgotten.


T. Off said...

After watching that debate, it looked to me like Frank had a lot more discipline and respect than the guy he was debating with. Frank didn't have the vocabulary that the other guy had, but he listened, whereas the other guy already knew what he was going to say hours before it started.

Shamrock rules.

Anonymous said...

Interesting Guaranteeing psychologist and pediatricians are against something without naming one credible name in the industry. that seems to me to be propaganda at its finest. A long as ass-hats like this man are allowed on television, mma will not get a fair shake.

Mike said...

Very interesting that Frank showed the Respect and Discipline to wait for his chance to speak why the other guy just ran off at the mouth with no discipline or repsect.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could sit hear with something intelligent to say but all I can think of is how that balled bastard is a fucking retard! Him and Bill O'Reilly need to blow each other. Long live MMA and its fans!!

Anonymous said...

Would have been funny if it was Ken lol, he would have shit his pants

Anonymous said...

MMA can leave "Emotional Scars." Its all about submission? The man knows nothing about MMA.

MMA is a sport and when taught as such its nothing to do with submission in the psychological sense. As Shamrock said, its about learning skills and learning about yourself. It's then about putting those skills to the test. The only way to do that is to fight.

That said, there should be a long peroid of time before kids start the sort of heavy sparing that was witnessed the video above. Watching 8 year old kids going hell for leather is pretty disgusting.

Real emotional scars for children are far more likely to happen at home or at school than learning MMA for a couple of hours a week.

Anonymous said...

I remember when the piece first aired on ESPN. I agree with children not learning all of the MMA skills so young. There bodies and brains are still developing. The big problem are the idiots (like the guy they focused on in the piece) who wants kids to fight like a bloodied Forrest Griffin the first day. They make MMA look barbaric instead of an extremely disciplined art form. Let the kids learn to use their bodies, learn to respect and give their bodies time to develop before teaching them high-risk maneuvers.

Oh yeah, to continue my eloquence, Shamrocks are all douches.

JohnnyZ said...

The only problem with this is they showed young kids full contact sparring without headgear. Any credible school in the nation does not allow this.Adrian Serranos school in Milwaukee, WI doesn't even allow sparring until a certain age.Look up Duke Roufus and his gym Roufusport, he also wouldnt allow little kids to get hurt and make a mochary of the sport. Look up sometime the fatal or tramatic injury risk factor in MMA as apposed to so many other sports. MMA is one of the safest by far and away. Whats funny to me is people simply dont do their research. I still hear the arguement that boxing is safer.I guess medical science cant always be right. Wait, lets take a standing 8 count before beating each other over the head again on this subject. The most credible source I could find was an average of 10 boxers DIE a year, every year. Dont even look up auto racing, motorcycle racing, cycling or even something as uncommon as hangliding. I would much rather have my kid start learning a martial art for the self control and discipline alone. These freakshow schools that allow children the chance to mount and ground and pound in practice are giving real schools a bad name. This also happens in other sports, it just doesnt get the press because MMA is still so young of a major sport.

I am not a Frank Shamrock fan but do appreciate him taking the time to educate these really smart dumb guys that bash what they are clueless about. Someday MMA will be big enough to allow the Bill O'Reillys of the world to go back to their crusade against porn or another sport that isn't yet established in mainstream America.

Stupid4Life said...

eh I agree that some of that was alittle extreme for a kid to be doing (but thats why they showed that those clips instead of kids just learning moves) ,sparing should be set aside for a later age but it was clear this was an attack piece mma insn't a martial art it is martial arts. and what about all the kids that have emotional scars and injuries from footbal, frank's best point was the religion one (would you rather have your kid train mma or hang out with a catholic priest point and match )

Unknown said...

i dont know why i watch these things, same story every time, some old-timer wayyy out of touch with the world as it is today, saying that parents who want their kids to train in mma "Arent using the critical thinking skills of a good parent" er-go they are "bad" parents...such nonsense

Anonymous said...

dan doyle is a tool.

there. debate over.

JohnnyZ said...


Anonymous said...

One thing is that MMA competitors and fans have to learn one thing.

The sport is so big & popular now is that we DON'T have to engage in these moronic debates. Seriously turn down these interview requests, its not 1995 anymore, we don't have to fight anymore. We won...plain and simple. Nothing good comes from these moronic ESPN pieces.

kRiS-tYaHn said...

I have aquestion for Dan Dolye, so since we see blood & injuries in MMA that means it isnt just or its violent... then answer me this Dan u h0m0, then should we no longer take our kids driving in our cars since there r sooo many vehicle accidents/deaths/trauma/boold or do we continue 2 drive but we do it as safe as we can, jsut lioke sports & especially MMA.

Dude ur living in the dinosaur age & its time 2 realise that this is the 21st century & all sports have pros & cons just like MMA, so get off ur high horse & take the splinters out of ur ass. Football/Hockey/Karate are all contact sports with injuries & deaths but u have nothing -ve 2 say about them... y is that?!?

Simple answer, b/c people r afraid of the unknown which in this case is MMA.

@ least Frank showed who was the more classy guy there!!! Sick & tired of being sick & tired of idiots like Dan Doyle, the ass clown who thinks he knows everything yet knows nothing.

P.S time 2 go watch UFC 101, Peace!!

Shocked_n_Awed said...

I've let my two-and-a-half-year-old son watch UFC pay-per-views since literally the first week he was born. Ever since he's been able to understand, I've impressed on him how it's a sport, like soccer or basebar; just like you can't go swinging a baseball bat wherever you feel like it, you can't go around fighting unless it's in a ring. He's not killed any animals yet...
I'm agree with the poster above; MMA advocates and talking heads like Shamrock need to avoid interviews and stories like this. It's really not about the media getting 'both sides', that's a mirage - that's why they bring in a Shamrock (who, while not the sharpest knife in the drawer, did come across a lot better than Ken would have done!), and not a Kenny Florian or Rich Franklin.
Simply the next step in Big Brother's crusade against MMA - trying to scare Ma & Pa America into thinking their kids will be put into training camps and slaughtered if they don't rise up against this brutal sport!!

Anonymous said...

Dan Doyle's interview (along with psycho Bill O'Reilly's interview with Dana) was done awhile ago before he realized how big MMA is.

They thought this was just a fad.

After numerous states have sanctioned MMA events, are majority of those "experts" still trashing this sport? NO.

Boyle and O'Reilly do not think before they talk. It's how they live their trashy lives.

Anonymous said...

This was hilarious. Sport is rough and dirty but it's beautiful for those who participate and enjoy watching. This bald dude knows nothing about sports or the life long injuries all athletes endure due to their decision to sacrifice their bodies for the love of sport. MMA is no different.

reed said...

what teaches you humility better than getting beat in fight and getting up and congratulate your competitor. Then it also teaches you to better yourself. To come back stronger. Teaches heart nobody can tell me that teaching somebody heart is less important than empathy.

Shamrock proved he is a all around fighter. I would love to see him back in the ufc.

Anonymous said...

...Martial Arts has been around for over 2000 years. Those who've never studied it will never understand it's concept. Dana should have mentioned why it's called MIXED. It's a mixture of many different sports. Boxing has standing 8 counts and no 3 knockdown rule. That is where brain damage comes into play. 80% of UFC fighters have College degrees. This has nothing to do with Psychology. I guess when a child loses in ANY sport they don't get emotional? Athletes young & old that has ever played any sport has cried after losing. Get real! Physical, Sexual & Emotional abuse by a parent damages a child more than anthing else. You can't dispute that fact. So every Martial Arts school in America should be closed down because it does psychological damage? That is the extent of it. These reporters need to stick to Politics. It's what this whole debate is about anyway.

Anonymous said...

Support of the Lou Zhu, Lou Zhu worked hard
Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.
ugg classic cardy