Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Brandon Vera: Gun Enthusiast

UFC light heavyweight Brandon Vera is already in training for Matt Hamill, whom he faces at UFC 101 on August 8 in Philadelphia.

"Honestly, I didn't care who it was," he says of his thoughts on facing Hamill. "I just said okay. I don't care who I fight anymore, it's go time."

MMAInsider caught up with with the San Diego resident as he returned from the Barrett Firearms firing range in Tennesse, where he spent the day shooting with company owners. A veteran of the US Air Force, Vera was required to know guns, but there's a simpler explanation on why he likes them.

"I grew up in Virginia," he laughs. "Guns are part of life over there."

Vera sampled a variety of weapons, including the REC7, an automatic rifle not available to the public. But his favorite was the Model 82A1 .50 caliber rifle, a massive gun that can kill from a mile away.

"That thing is scary," he said. "I don't know if I want one."

Vera shoots regularly, and counts a .45 caliber Sig Sauer as his weapon of choice.

"It's super accurate and super reliable," he said. "That's my favorite, favorite gun."

On August 8, though, his only weapons will be his hands, legs, elbows, and knees.

"It's going to be good times," he said of his meeting with Hamill.


Anonymous said...

this is a story?


Anonymous said...

No, it is actually a brief interview which can be part of a "story" or "segment" of this blog. Consider stop being so anal "Anonymous." These guys at MMA Insider work hard to get these "stories" and "interviews" out to the general public. Besides, if the staff at MMA Insider would not post these "stories" you would probably not have anything to read about regarding current MMA news. Lighten up "Anonymous!" And be glad these guys are able to bring you all the current MMA news on a daily basis.