Wednesday, December 10, 2008

UFC Fighters Weighed In Again Today In North Carolina

While the official weigh-ins for the UFC's "Fight For The Troops" show in Fayetteville, North Caroline were held on Tuesday, fighters on the show were required by state's official rules for MMA to weigh-in again today.

The fighters on the card had to be within 13lbs of their official weight from the prior day's weigh-ins.

From the North Carolina State Commission's official rules:

When a weigh-in is conducted the day prior to the event, with the exception of the heavyweight class, all other contestants must weigh-in at a second weigh-in the next day scheduled by the Division representative within eight hours of the starting time of the event. The contestant may not be more than 13 pounds heavier than their recorded weight from the day prior.

When contacted by, representatives of some of the fighters on the card confirmed that the competitors weighed in again this morning at around 10 a.m. at a workout room with state commissioners in attendance.

While there has been no official word from the UFC, it is assumed that all of the fighters on the card were able to make weight for the second time today.

The rule in North Carolina is actually held in other states as well, but this may be the first time that fighters in the UFC have had to go through the second weigh-in process on the day of the fights.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man that's such a stupid rule. I understand they're worried about fighters dehydrating themselves too much or cutting weight dangerously but 13 pounds isn't the same to every guy and it's stupid they'd pick one number like that and apply it to all fighters. A LHW cutting 13 pounds is nothing to gain back but a Lightweight or Featherweight probably isn't cutting much more than that.