Thursday, October 23, 2008

Be Tito Ortiz for Halloween (Yes, This is Real)

As Halloween approaches this year, many MMA fans are left trying to think of the perfect outfit to wear to the big party this year. Or maybe you still have to dress up the kids in the best MMA outfit to go Trick or Treating?

Well look no further as Punishment Athletics has provided the ideal outfit for the MMA fan who can go as none other than former UFC light heavyweight champion, Tito Ortiz.

Costume includes:
Original black flame shorts, Tito Ortiz UFC 84 after fight shirt, Titos trademark yellow beanie, Punishment black socks, 2 new Punishment wrist bands

Fight gloves not included.

(Note: Outfit does not include Jenna Jameson as date for Halloween party)

Photo courtesy of


Anonymous said...

If I wanted to dress like a washed up former fighter I would just get a cheap pair of swim trunks and call myself Tank Abbott, save $59.

Anonymous said...

Tito give it up ypu has been like yor future in fighting ,Jenna and your cloting line your are washed up,punished used ,abused and you have nothing to offer anymore so do us all a favour and please go away

Anonymous said...

Tito this just proves to us all the things Dana White has been saying are true! You are a hurting has-been! Enjoy your Child with your Slut when it comes

Anonymous said...

wow a lot of hate for a former great ?!?! but I guess thats what you get from armchair fans...

Anonymous said...

The only thing this outfit is missing is a good Ass-kicking to go with it.

By the end of the night it may be complete.

Anonymous said...

Finally a blog where all commenters are not still clinging to tito's nuts. I thought that Elite folding couldnt get any better...then I realized that if Tito wants to fight he will have to fight real fighters and not "act" like it and go to Elite and get the Kimbo treatment.

Please come back to the UFC....just to see someone like (insert any UFC LH) beat the living dogshit outta you.

Watching Luis Cane pimp slap/left combo your ass would be fun. Please come back, the Matt Hughes days of wrestling someone to the ground for a win have been LONG over for 5 years. Tito wouldnt even make the top 15 of UFC Light heavies.

Anonymous said...

tito who?