Sunday, October 19, 2008

Frank Shamrock, "We're doing sports entertainment... not sports."

Frank Shamrock was close to the Seth Petruzelli and Kevin "Kimbo Slice" Ferguson situation being Ken Shamrock's adoptive brother, offering to step in for Ken after a cut forced him out of the scheduled main event on CBS on Oct. 4 and being one of the broadcasters who called the action that night. Shamrock gave his opinon on Petruzelli's original comments alleging EliteXC paid him to stand with "Kimbo Slice."

"I've had promoters tell me all kinds of crazy stuff. But you don't listen to the promoters. You listen to your coach. You listen to your trainer because the promoter is out for the promoter," acknowledged Shamrock. "Did something weird happen? I doubt it. But it makes a great story and it makes great news."

At this point, it doesn't matter what actually transpired. Public perception is all that matters. And the public perception is that EliteXC paid Seth Petruzelli to fight a certain way. "People are always going to believe what they want to believe about a sport that's so sexy and dangerous, that walks the line in society," said Shamrock. "We're always going to have people that are butting up against the back of the sport for their own reasons. The truth is, when there's a lot of money involved all kinds of weird stuff happens."

Shamrock continued, "I know for a fact that the commissions and most of these promoters are good guys looking after their guys. And you know what? There's always bad business inside of business. I just don't think bad business happened here. I think, you know, uneducated encouragement happened here. I think zealous promotion happened here, but we're in the business of that. It's like we're doing sports entertainment. We're not doing sports."


Anonymous said...

Im not a fan of Frank Shamrock, but you have to admit it was honorable for him to step up in place of Ken. Even though they dont get along. I dont understand why EliteXC wouldnt go with it. It would stil have been Kimbo vs Shamrock. Probably because they knew Frank would own him

Anonymous said...

Frank must be some kind of moron. That it all we need someone making MMA sound like WWE ugghhh...

Anonymous said...

While Frank may be a little cocky and/or arrogant for his own good, which is exactly why he lost the Cung Le fight, he is far from a moron. He is a pretty good fighter definitely one of the better fighters out there, and he is pretty business savvy too. I dont think he was trying to make it sound like Professional wrestling as much as he was simply stating the fact that you have to not only put on fights, but also make them as entertaining as possible.

Anonymous said...

frank shamrock is a washed up fighter who couldn't even handle cung "sanshou" le. where is le? shoudn't he be defending his title? not likely. he has no ground game and won against a guy who had a bum arm going into the fight. nice acting frank, but you couldn't beat a real fighter and neither could cung le. you too are the worst pretenders in the game. pathetic fight choreography i might add. i hope cung le doesn't use it in his film.

Anonymous said...

Evidently good enough to put Baroni asleep after a bunch of punishment. Was that choreographed also? Maybe you should challenge him since he isnt that good. Or even Cung Le. Talk is cheap sir.

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